Shiddeshwari Moth, Magura [Travel Guide]

Shiddeshwari Moth, Magura

Siddheswari Math is situated half a mile away from the city of Magura, on the banks of the Nabaganga River in the village of Atharkhada. In ancient times, the monastery was known as Kalikatola Cemetery. Since ancient times, a matha and Siddheshri Mother's mantre-sculpted rock and kalimasti were established in this crematorium. This place, full of deep forest, was a place of worship of the Saints. In the seventeenth century and earlier, people from Nabaganga used to go crazy on the banks of the river. Because of that, many saints came to the place at that time. At one time a ritual named Ranga Macharya was a monastery of Siddeswari Math. After long time when Brahmandgiri or Brahmanand Giri conquered Nrimdanga, Srimanta Roy or Ranbir Kha, he had started coming back to the Siddhesari Math at Kalikapur. There was no such shelter for the Saints in the Math. At the order of Naldanga, the initiation of Brahmand Girir, in the temple of Naldanga, gave a monastery to the saints in the earlier monasteries and donated land worth 250 bighas of land to the land. Brahmandgiri lived a long time ago. Raja Chandicharan, Indranarayan and Surneryanana all his disciples After the Brahmandagiri inscription, the attention of the next kings was not attracted to the Siddheswari math in Magura Kalikapur. For the lack of selflessness and selfishness of the congregations appointed by the monks, there was a gradual disadvantage of its worship and misery. Shilakhand Khani was kidnapped and the temples were crushed and buried. After being transferred to Puja Pots, there was no way in which the custom was kept. Even some of them attempted to benefit from their property till the monastery, but they were not successful in obstacles. All have become strangled or devastated. This is why the place becomes very wild. After about two hundred years after his mother's grief, a Brahmin named Sadhana, according to the dream of Amalananda, came back to the place and established the Math. Again, awakening Kalikapur, the Amalananda Sarti built a new temple on the ruins of the ancient temple of Kalikapura Math and in which an Apunav Murnyi Kalika idol was set up. The two cremated 'blue dwarf' on the shoulder of the young Brahma Shyama Shiva. Due to the horrors of his horror, the vision of Kiran has become deviated. Nowadays such images can not be seen anywhere or not. Brahmandgiri lived a long time ago. It is necessary to mention here that later, according to the wishes of Naldanga, Brahmandgiri Magura constructed a temple of Siddesari Devi in Naldanga in the form of the Siddhesari Math in Kalikapur.

Many, together with the history of Naldanga Siddhesari Temple architecture, have brought together the history of Siddesari temple of Magura, the history of the two is different, but it is true that the kings of Naldanga have significant contribution in the back of the Magura Siddhesari temple. Magura Siddhesari temple has been established in ancient times, which is not known for its exact architecture. It is not known who or who created this temple. One more thing to mention here is that in Kalikapur and Magura Kalikapur in Naldanga, Magura Kalikapura Siddheshwari Temple was established in the very old days, and Naldanga Kalikapur Siddhesari temple was established in the Mughal period.

How to go to Siddheswari Math

Hanif, Sohag, Eagle, speed and various buses from Dhaka can always be used in Magura.

Type bus rental
AC buses 850 taka
Chair bus 550 Rs
Normal buses 250 taka
3 km from Magura city Siddheswari monastery on the banks of river Nabaganga in the village of Atharkhada in the north. Tempo, rickshaw and vans can be used.

Where to stay at Magura?

Although an excellent district, accommodation in Magura is not enough. There are no hotels to mention here. However, the value of the services that are available here are frustrating.

1. Hotel Kalantika Sagor Belongs Magura Sadar, Magura
2. Chhaya Bithi District Council Magura Sadar, Magura
3. Dak Bungalow District Council
4. Magura Circuit House District Council, Magura Sadar

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